Nude Photography Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 1964 members

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Hubby is getting Photographers!

I am excited!

I am a nude "Greeter" at two Las Vegas nudist places. I model nude for Artists and Photographers. I do modeling demos for a b d s m group here in Vegas. I also assist other models with their nude shoots. I also do nude events, expos and conventions[/url]

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Nude At Home
Me Napping Nude at Home..

Plump Closet Nude...

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I Enjoy Taking Nude Selfies
The only way I can get nude photos of me is to take selfies... It's fun, what do you think...

Sexy BBW!!
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nude photo
hi all i would like to have nude photos taken of me
i live in Kent South / London i will pose anyway you tell me to do
please email back

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Chronological Sequence
For many years now, I have collected nude photos of myself, first taken by understanding family members (not all family members are understanding!), and later, self-taken with a camera timer. I think it would be interesting to compile a chronological sequence, to see how my body has changed over the years.

My photos fall into two main categories: outdoor nudes in beautiful, wild settings, like my profile picture :) , and b d s m-oriented indoor scenes :shock: (nothing explicitly ---- though, as no actual S-- acts are pictured). For my chronology, I think I would limit it to only the first category, as that is more appropriate to the nudist philosophy as I understand it.

Anyone ever done anything like this?

Live was I ere I saw evil
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photographer for nude shots available
Would be glad to take nude photos for people to use. Low rates, or no rates. in TX

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I love taking nude photos of myself!
Not quite sure how many photos I've taken of myself, probably a couple of hundred, but really enjoy it. Most of them have been taken when posing in front of the mirror. It would be fantastic if I met a lovely lady to take nude/semi-nude photos of me! Obviously I would do the same in return!

*The naked form is beautiful!*
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Visit us to be photographed skinnydipping or sunbathing nude
Many single nudists can't find anyone to take their picture in the nude for posting on their profile or exchanging with other nudists. My wife Suzanne and I take such photos for nudists who visit our clothing-optional home and garden in warm and sunny [b:600299d1e6]Naples, Florida. The shots can be taken with your camera or ours, and of course there's [b:600299d1e6]no charge.

You can be photographed [b:600299d1e6]skinnydipping in our heated pool in comfortable 90-degree water on any day of the year, [b:600299d1e6]sunbathing nude in our secluded garden without offending any non-nudist neighbors, or just [b:600299d1e6]hanging out nude in our home.

You can even be photographed getting a [b:600299d1e6]free full-body nude massage on our massage tables, either in our little massage room or in our half-acre garden. If you bring along a male or female friend, I can teach both of you some basic massage strokes so that you can get photos of both of you massaging each other.

Suzanne and I love meeting other friendly nudists, whether they're very experienced or just trying nude social recreation for the first time. [b:600299d1e6]Please write to tell us when you might be in the area so that we can invite you to visit for some fun skinnydipping, sunbathing, massaging, and nude photography. [i:600299d1e6]We look forward to hearing from you soon.

PeterKacalanos and Suzanne in Naples, Florida
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Photographer available - no fees
Photographer, Herts, Beds, North London, Middlesex willing to take your photo's for your site and personal use. Must be reasonably local. No fees.

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Aritst's Model
Finally, a longtime dream come true: I am modeling for figure drawing classes at my university.

I would love to model nude (or nearly nude) for artists and/or fine art photographers. I am in Eastern NC (Greenville area), but might consider outside that region for the right person/project.

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A group for people who enjoy taking and viewing nude photographs.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
Posts must be specific to the Nude Photography Group
There are a LOT of groups within this site and throughout the network. Only post comments and replies specific to this group in this area.
Be Nice, Or Else...
The following are grounds for account deletion:
1) Hate Speech
2) Ethnic Slurs
3) Threats
4) Harassing Other Members
5) Posting Any Full Name
6) Posting Any Email Address
7) Posting Any Phone Number
8) Posting Any Address
9) Requests For Money
10) Links To Other Sites
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The following are grounds for account deletion:
1) Sexual Comments
2) Sexual Innuendo
3) Sexual Requests
4) Sexual Stories
5) References To Sexual Activity
Basically, this isn't a sex site and if you try to use it like one, you will be deleted!
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Recent Posts
Hubby is getting Photographers!
[url](removed)] I am excited! I am a nude "Gr...
2 replies
1 year ago
Nude At Home
Me Napping Nude at Home.. Plump Closet Nude....
5 replies
9 years ago
I Enjoy Taking Nude Selfies
The only way I can get nude photos of me is to take selfies... It's fun, wh...
8 replies
10 years ago
nude photo
hi all i would like to have nude photos taken of me i live in Kent...
0 replies
11 years ago
Chronological Sequence
For many years now, I have collected nude photos of myself, first taken by...
1 reply
12 years ago
photographer for nude shots available
Would be glad to take nude photos for people to use. Low rates, or no rate...
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13 years ago
I love taking nude photos of myself!
Not quite sure how many photos I've taken of myself, probably a couple of h...
9 replies
13 years ago
Visit us to be photographed skinnydipping or sunbathing nude
Many single nudists can't find anyone to take their picture in the nude for...
1 reply
13 years ago
Photographer available - no fees
Photographer, Herts, Beds, North London, Middlesex willing to take your pho...
3 replies
14 years ago
Aritst's Model
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14 years ago
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15 years ago
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