For many years now, I have collected nude photos of myself, first taken by understanding family members (not all family members are understanding!), and later, self-taken with a camera timer. I think it would be interesting to compile a chronological sequence, to see how my body has changed over the years.
My photos fall into two main categories: outdoor nudes in beautiful, wild settings, like my profile picture :) , and b d s m-oriented indoor scenes :shock: (nothing explicitly ---- though, as no actual S-- acts are pictured). For my chronology, I think I would limit it to only the first category, as that is more appropriate to the nudist philosophy as I understand it.
Anyone ever done anything like this?
Live was I ere I saw evil
My photos fall into two main categories: outdoor nudes in beautiful, wild settings, like my profile picture :) , and b d s m-oriented indoor scenes :shock: (nothing explicitly ---- though, as no actual S-- acts are pictured). For my chronology, I think I would limit it to only the first category, as that is more appropriate to the nudist philosophy as I understand it.
Anyone ever done anything like this?
Live was I ere I saw evil